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Happened Today in the Chess World - July 3, 2024


Saint Petersburg Championship,  2013: GM Denis Yevseev - Source:

Today is the birthday of Grandmaster Denis Yevseev, born in Murmansk, Russia, on July 3, 1973.
A student of Alexander Panchenko's school (one of Karpov's trainers), he won the RSFSR youth championship in 1987.
Yevseev was champion of St. Petersburg multiple times and placed second at the New Year's Tournament in Reggio Emilia 2004/05, behind Konstantin Landa.
He achieved his highest rating in October 2003 with 2592 Elo points.
In his career, he has defeated players of the caliber of Dreev, Movsesian, Korobov, Tseshkovsky, and Balashov.

Sergey Klimov (2520) vs. Denis Yevseev (2580), Saint Petersburg Championship 2004
Black to move


29... Rxf7! 0-1

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