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Happened Today in the Chess World - July 4, 2024


Rome, 1978 - Alvise Zichichi and Anatoly Karpov - Source:

Today, we remember International Master Alvise Zichichi, born in Milan, Italy, on July 4, 1938.
Italian champion in 1984 and team champion eleven times, he represented his country in seven Olympiads between 1966 and 1986.
Zichichi reached his peak rating in January 1986 with 2405 Elo points. In his career, he defeated former world champion Spassky and players of the caliber of Hort, Gligoric, Malakhov, and Hjartarson.
Founder of AMIS (Italian Chess Masters Association) and president of FSI (Italian Chess Federation) from 1996 to 2002, Zichichi was an extraordinary organizer—the father of the "Banco di Roma" tournament—and an excellent author and commentator, with important books such as the biography dedicated to Esteban Canal and the manual "Chess Lessons."
The following combination, which inspired others no less famous, is his calling card.

Zichichi, Alvise vs Hort, Vlastimil - Venice · 1971
White to move


26. Rxd8 Qxd8 27. Qg7+! Nxg7 28. Nh6+ Kh8 29. Nxf7+ Kg8 30. Nxd8 (White is winning now. Black continued as follows)
30... c5 31. Nxe5 Nge6 32. Ndc6 Kg7 33. Bf1 Bb7 34. Nxa5 Bxe4 35. Bd3 Ba8 36. Nac4 Nf4 37. Kh2 N8e6 38. a5 Kf6 39. a6 Nc7 40. Nd7+ Ke6 41. Nxc5+ Kd5 42. Na4 Kd4 43. Nab6 Bc6 44. a7 Kc5 45. Kg3 g5 46. Bxh7 Ne2+ 47. Kh2 Nd4 48. Bd3 Ndb5 49. a8=Q Nxa8 50. Nxa8 Bxa8 51. h4 gxh4 52. Kh3 Kd4 53. Kxh4 Kc3 54. Nb6 Bc6 55. Bxb5 Bxb5 56. Nd5+ Kxc2 57. Nxb4+ Kxb3 58. Nd5 Kc4 59. Nf6 Kc5 60. g5 Bd3 61. Kh5 Be2+ 62. Kh6 Kd4 63. g6 Ke5 64. Kg5 1-0

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