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Release notes

Changes in the 3.12 Build (since 3.11)  

Changes in the 3.11 Build (since 3.10)  Download BlitzIn 3.11

Changes in the 3.10.0 Build (since 3.0.9)  Download BlitzIn 3.10

Changes in the 3.0.9 Build (since 3.0.8)  Download BlitzIn 3.09

Changes in the 3.0.8 Build (since 3.0.7)  Download BlitzIn 3.08

Changes in the 3.0.7 Build (since 3.0.6)  Download BlitzIn 3.07

Changes in the 3.0.6 Build (since 3.0.5)  Download BlitzIn 3.06

Changes in the 3.0.5 Build (since 3.0.4)  Download BlitzIn 3.05

Changes in the 3.0.4 Build (since 3.0.3)  Download BlitzIn 3.04

Changes in the 3.0.3 Build (since 3.0.2) Download BlitzIn 3.03

Known issues:

Changes in the 3.0.2 Build (since 3.0.1) Download BlitzIn 3.02

Known issues:

Changes in the 3.0.1 Build (since 3.0) Download BlitzIn 3.01

Changes in the 3.0 Build (since 2.8.1)

Changes in the 2.8.1 Build (since 2.8.0)  Download BlitzIn 2.81

Changes in the 2.8.0 Build (since 2.7.0) Download BlitzIn 2.80

Changes in Installer (March 19, 2009)

Changes in the 2.7.0 Build (since 2.6.2)


Changes in the 2.6.2 Build (since 2.6.1)


Changes in the 2.6.1 Build (since 2.6)

Changes in the 2.6 Build (since 2.52)

Changes in the 2.52 Build (since 2.51)

Fixes for problems in 2.34

Fixes for problems only in 2.5

Updated Language Pack

Changes in the 2.51 Build (since 2.50)

New Features

Fixes for problems in 2.34

Fixes for problems only in 2.5

Features in BlitzIn 2.5